The EOS Group has investigated hundreds of thousands of debts managed in 2017, and the research revealed that although the ladies have accumulated mobile debts in 8% more cases, their average value – HUF 18,963 – is lower than men’s debts, with an average of HUF 22,366. The difference in the number of debts has changed over the past few years: in 2016, only 1.6% was the difference in favour of women, while the average payments increased significantly by 17% for men and 15% for women. This could happen due to the fact that mobile communication plays an increasingly important role in everyday life, so the society is spending more and more money on it.
In terms of age groups, the most mobile debts are related to people between 40-59 years, in the case of both genders – broadly every second one. This data is confirmed the statement according to which mobile online presence has become so vital for the younger age group that they often pay their mobile bill before any other public services.
During the research, experts have also found a significant change in the communication’s mode, although the number of emails about debts is still not very high. In 2017, 1.2% of debtors kept contact with the debt management company via email, which is double of the value measured a year earlier. Although digitalization seems to have started in this area, the postal letter and the phone are still the main channels of communication.
According to Marianna Agárdi, director of EOS Faktor Zrt., the typically affected social groups try to handle their financial data carefully and cautiously and they use online financial services less frequently than the average, so they do not prefer the electronic forms of communication.